我在獨立書店聯盟電子報讀到東海書苑寫的一篇關於livres d’artiste的文章。根據作者的解釋,livres d’artiste即「藝術家的書」。

Google圖片搜尋livres d’artiste

1.      http://www.cbbag.ca/AB98Web/fab98thumbs.html
這個網頁上陳列的創作書的名稱看起來有很大的學問,如Instructions for Assembly ( Carol Barton)Accents on Architecture - A Series of Multiples ( Robert Jekyll )Art-Nonsense and Other Essays (Michael Wilcox )等。

2.      CBBAG是什麼?
Since 1983 the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild has worked to support the development of the book arts.
. The book arts include bookbinding, artists' books, papermaking, calligraphy, letterpress printing & typography, wood engraving, paper decorating, restoration, and conservation.
http://www.cbbag.ca/home.html )

3.      CBBAG--Artists' Books

Many artists have been captivated by this simple, but oh-so-magical, form which not only has obvious tactile qualities, but is ideal for carrying textual or visual messages from author/artist to reader/viewer.

4.      CBBAG--Art of the Book ’98-- Artists' Books

5.      CBBAG--Art of the Book ’03-- Artists' Books


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